Christian Schwarzwald, CAF, Environment, 2017, 10 × 3 m
Christian Schwarzwald, SADMA, 2016, 220 × 150 cm
Bjørn Melhus, Headshots, 1991–2017, 40 × 30 cm each (66 from 93)
Bjørn Melhus, Headshots, 1991–2017, 40 × 30 cm each (selection)
Code Art Fair“Personality”Benjamin Heisenberg
Bjørn Melhus
Christian Schwarzwald31.08.–02.09.2017
Booth 34Bella Center CopenhagenCenter Boulevard 5, 2300 Copenhagen
Thursday, 31 August, 4–8 pm
Friday, 1 September, 11–8 pm
Saturday, 2 September, 11–6 pm
Designed in conjunction with the artists Christian Schwarzwald and Bjørn Melhus, Ebensperger's booth at Code Art Fair is themed around identity crises: the political individual versus fiction as inherent in Melhus' œuvre; psychoses in Heisenberg's videos; and the ever irresolvable, crisis-ridden relations between sign – image – object as discussed in Schwarzwald's most recent work. The latter will merge his works on paper into a site specific painting.
Melhus will present an updated version of his Headshots, a pictorial retrospective of his filmic work, spellbound in over 90 photographic portraits of characters the artist has created over the past 26 years.
The videos by Benjamin Heisenberg will be shown in a video box remixing and manipulating three iconic films, Jacques Tati's “Mon Oncle” (1958), Andrej Tarkowski's “Offret” (1985), and Alfred Hitchcock's “North by Northwest” (1959). All three films, already disturbing – each in their own way – are somewhat reduced to their essences: an empty world of comsumption, a surreal world of catastrophy, and persecution mania.
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