Tim Etchells
Ghosts and Fog Game
May 2020
Display (Brötzner Box), Salzburg
To see more of Tim Etchells’ projects with Ebensperger Rhomberg, please click the following links:
☞ Tim Etchells: A Beautiful Silence/A Temporary Sadness
☞ Tim Etchells: Let’s Pretend
☞ Tim Etchells: No Twist at the End
To read a recent interview by Eva-Maria Nagel for the German newspaper FAZ, please click the following link:
☞ https://www.faz.net/aktuell/rhein-main/kultur/kunst-geht-online-es-gibt-kein-entweder-oder-16743353.html
Lea Draeger
Artist Books and Illuminations
April 2020